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We need proper climate change action – not just the activism from the Greens.


In Ridgeway neither the Greens nor Labour were allowed to put up a candidate. The only choices are Liberal Democrat and Conservative. So, you may vote Liberal Democrat, but you will get a Council that is being run by the Green party instead – as they are doing all the thinking for the Liberals. You may be OK with this idea – but it means less money spent on roads. It means less money on home to school transport (Greens want to see your kids on bikes, and less car and bus trips). It means less local bus services (Greens do not think villages are sustainable and want us moved to towns and cities). You’re not voting for The Good Life here folks! But mostly, it means activism and bad government. Here is a simple example. The Liberals and Greens – despite saying they are against new housing development – have approved over 3000 new houses for our area since 2019. I asked how many had gas boilers, and how many had ground source heat pumps instead.

The answer – “we don’t know as we do not track this”. If you don’t control what developers are doing (hint – it’s cheap gas boilers that are going into new homes) they will do the thing that is easiest and most profitable for them. Rather than spending your money taking out gas boilers they should stop builders from adding them in the first place. It’s another example of Green politics rather than green progress.

Conservative policies on planning will start with every new home being built – and I will campaign to stop the gas boilers being added in the first place.”

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